White Papers

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Data & Analytics Unlocking the Power of Industrial Data: The Complete Guide to UNS & UAF

Take a deep dive into everything UNS & UAF. We'll break down the concepts and show you real-life examples of how we have helped companies just like yours unlock the power of their data.

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UI Design 7 UI Tips for Successful Industrial Automation Projects

Learn how to create a UI Design that is efficient, memorable, and easy to use in this white paper that explores a human-centered approach to designing automation interfaces. 

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MES 9 MES Tools Every Plant Manger Needs to Improve Business Performance This white paper covers nine different MES tools you can incrementally implement to improve data flow, make educated and strategic improvements, and ultimately improve performance. Read More
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SCADA 7 SCADA DESIGN COMPONENTS TO MAXIMIZE PRODUCTIVITY In this white paper, we take a deep dive into how to how to use excellent software design to enhance your high-performance SCADA system, minimize time- wasting traps, and increase overall plant profitability. Read More
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Benefits, Concerns, and Practical Use for Cloud Computing in Manufacturing In this white paper, we cover what cloud technology is from a manufacturing point of view, discuss the benefits and common concerns, and present real-world use cases for implementing the cloud. Read More
Automation 7 Secrets for Automation Project Success This white paper provides an overview of seven practices manufacturers should look for in their search for a systems integrator to ensure automation project success. READ MORE
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Automation 5 Risk Mitigation Techniques for Control System Upgrades

This white paper explores how to take a manageable approach to a control system upgrade as well as five strategies to use to mitigate risk during your upgrade.

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OT Services Bridging the IT/OT Divide: 5 Practical Steps for Managing Critical Control Networks

In this white paper, we discuss five steps to evaluating, planning, and executing successful IT/OT convergence.

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MES The Digital Factory: Practical Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation This Practical Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation walks you through the key steps to prepare for and implement efficiency improvements and actionable insights in your manufacturing facility. Read More
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OT Services The Survival Guide for ICS Cyber Security In this white paper, we walk you through five stages for protecting your industrial network. It includes low-hanging fruit that you can tackle right now in order to strengthen your ICS. Read More


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